Authorised & Certified with Tesla & Redflow

OffiGrid Energy - Authorised Installer for Tesla Powerwall and Redflow ZCell

Off-Grid Energy is proud to have been selected as both an Authorised Reseller and Certified Installer for Tesla, in August this year. Our first Powerwall installation was on the Mornington Peninsula, with the team putting together an incredibly neat installation.

tesla powerwall

We have also been chosen as one of the first Authorised Installers for Redflow’s ZCell, and partnered with Redflow to complete the first test install for the ZCell at a home in South Australia.

Redflow ZCell off-grid battery for solar systems

“Redflow’s zinc-bromine flow battery technology is a potential game-changer for energy storage,” said Off-Grid’s director and co-owner Hugh Driscoll. “Affordable and reliable energy storage has been the missing link in the renewable energy transformation. Australia is seen as the ‘place to be’ for battery storage manufacturers globally, with many international companies launching their new products here, so it’s great to work with an innovative Australian company like Redflow in this pioneering area.”

  • More info on the Tesla Powerwall is HERE
  • More info on the Redflow ZCell is HERE
  • The Redflow Authorised Installer announcement is HERE

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