Safety And Compliance

We take our safety, standards and regulations responsibilities very seriously. There are many standards and regulations specific to the design and installation of battery storage systems in Australia. Systems also require very specific skills and qualifications that are markedly different to that of normal grid-connected solar installations. We are continually updating and refining our skills and knowldge so that we are always at the forefront of renewable energy technology and meet or exceed these standards.

What this means to you:

  • Personal Safety – battery storage systems can be very dangerous if not properly installed.
  • Maximum system and component life is achieved.
  • Confidence that your system abides by Australian Law.
  • Your system meets regulations if inspected by an inspector.

Clean Energy Council Accreditation & Membership

Off-Grid Energy is a member of the Clean Energy Council (CEC), and employs accredited designers and installers. We are committed to industry best-practice through the CEC Solar Retailer Code of Conduct.

The code of conduct is a voluntary scheme for retail businesses selling solar panel systems to households and businesses. It aims to lift the bar higher than the minimum requirements set by government and regulations and bring about a better standard of service within the solar industry. It is also the only solar industry code of conduct authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.